The 25 members of our political party

Meet the people who make the dream of a better future come true in Kythera and Antikythera.

Sougiannis Charalampos

Deputy Mayor

He was born in Piraeus in 1954. Graduated Architect Engineer from the National Technical University of Metsov. He has been working since 1980 almost exclusively with Kythira. Member for almost 3 decades of the Boards of Directors of the Kytheraic Brotherhood of Piraeus-Athens and the Society of Kytheraic Studies, in which he holds the position of General Secretary. Father of two children. He has served as a municipal councilor in the Municipality of Kythira in the years 2003-2011, gaining significant self-governing experience.

Stathis Emmanuel


He was born in 1954 in Keramoto, Kythira. He finished the six-form high school of Kythira and then studied at the Accounting School in Athens. In 1981 he was appointed Secretary of the Community of Karvounadon, a position in which he served until 1998. From 1999 until 2013, when he retired, he served as Head of Financial Services of the Municipality of Kythira, gaining extremely important experience in local self-government, the way Municipalities operate and their financial management. He is married to Kyriaki Stathis, nee Emmanuel Kasimati, a kindergarten teacher, and has a son, Panagiotis, a graduate in Chemistry. He lives permanently in Avlemonas.

Komnenos George

Deputy Mayor

He was born in 1951 in Kythira where he has lived all his life. He studied archeology & medieval studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, having as a teacher, among others, the excavator of Vergina, Manolis Andronikos, who highly valued him. He served as a teacher and as a high school principal for 23 consecutive years in Kythira. In 1979 he re-founded the Kythira Hunting Association. He was for many years the administrator of the sports departments of the Kythera Navy Club and the secretary of the Kythera Association of Kythera. From 1990-98 he was a community councilor of the Kythira community. In 1992, as president of the Development Association, he organized the collection of garbage on our island with the purchase of the first three garbage trucks & 800 bins. For years he has been a contributor to newspapers and magazines and is the owner and publisher of the newspaper “VOICE OF KYTHIRON” whose publication has been temporarily suspended. He has been a municipal councilor of Kythira since 2010. He has been dealing with tourist businesses for 30 years, hence the well-known epithet “Zorbas”. In September 2014, he was appointed Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kythera, having under his responsibility a number of important sectors of the daily life and administrative operation of the Municipality.

Rizomarkou Stavroula


He was born in the town of Kythira in 1946. He has finished the sixth grade high school of Kythira. She is married to Loukas Rizomarkos, a public works contractor who was one of the first to be active on the island in the 1960s and has 3 children. Housewife and farmer. He is actively involved in the primary sector and has many years of voluntary participation in the church committees of the wider area of Livadi Kythira, where he lives.

Mytileneou Ekaterini


He was born in 1970 in Athens. He is a graduate of the Gymnastics Academy (TEFAA) of Athens, where he was admitted after the Panhellenic exams. He has specialized in matters of nutrition and dietetics, tourism, computers, food technician and tour guides. She has worked in sports programs, while she was a swimming program coach for a number of years. Since 2002 he has been running a catering business in Kythira and since 2007 he has been a Manager in tourist residences in Kalamos Kythira. He is actively involved in the Association of Parents and Guardians and the Nautical Club of Kythira, while he is a member of the Municipal Committee for Tourism Development and Promotion of the Municipality of Kythira from 2016 until today, having represented the Municipality at many tourist exhibitions in Greece and abroad. He knows English and Italian. She is married to Nikos Calligero of Emmanuel and they have 3 children.

Koronis Minas


He was born in 1981 in Athens and lives permanently in Kythira. He graduated from the Lyceum of Kythira in 1998 and then studied at the Public IEK of Alimos, majoring in “Informatics Applications Specialist with Multimedia”. His thesis at IEK was promoted. He worked as a computer technician in private companies, a teacher of IT seminars (ECDL), seasonally in the Municipality of Kythira with responsibility for the registration of the Census, seasonally in the Archaeological Service. He has also worked for a number of years in health care stores, in the family business in the carpentry industry and knows English. He was co-owner of the well-known tourist website for Kythera www.kythera.gr. Today, he works in a Super Market in charge of entering invoices, while he also manages tourist homes. In 2014, he was elected Municipal Councilor of Kythira with the majority party and since then he has been President of the Municipal Committee for Tourism Development and Promotion as well as Vice-President of the Municipal Port Fund since 2017.

Kapsalis Konstantinos


He was born in 1968 in Katerini and has lived permanently in Kythira for 22 years, together with his family. She studied nursing at the TEI of Ioannina from which she graduated in 1991. She holds the title of Surgical Nursing specialty since 2001, from the AHEPA Hospital of Thessaloniki. He has been working at the General Hospital of Kythira “Triphyllio” since 1997. He was an elected member of the Board of Directors. of the Kythira Nautical Club about 15 years ago and was actively involved in sporting endeavors that took place on the island over the years and participating and organizing and helping where needed. Founding member of the Kythira Hospital Employees’ Association and its elected president, for many years and until today. Elected employee representative on the Board of Directors of our Hospital for about fifteen years, until today.

Samios Fotios


He was born in 1967 in Kythira, where he completed his secondary education. He studied at the Sivitanideo School where he received a degree in electrical engineering. He then returned to the island and since 1989 has been active in trade, maintaining a store in Potamos. It also deals with tourism in the accommodation sector, where it maintains a small unit of rooms for rent. He has been elected Community Councilor of Friligianiki for 4 years as well as president of the Local Department of Friligianiki of the Municipality of Kythira. He is married to the chemist Maria Protopsalti and they have one daughter.

Souris Athanasios


Born in Kythira in 1984. Graduated from Kythira High School in 2002. Studied Accounting at TEI Thessaloniki. Since the end of his studies, in 2006, until now he has been working in an accounting office in Potamos Kythira and has gained significant experience in accounting and financial matters as well as in matters of tax legislation. In 2010 he was a candidate for Municipal Councilor with Panagiotis Protopsaltis and in 2014 with the late Dimitris Lourantos. He is the President of the Gerakari Cultural Association of Kythira.

Fatsea Ioanna


She was born in Piraeus of Kytherian parents, daughter of Andreas and Theodora nee Megalokonomou and wife of Ioannis Fatsea from Agios Ilias. He studied at a private accounting school and knows English. He has four children, all university graduates and successful professionals. After a constructive four years as a Municipal Councilor in the period 2014 – 2019, she decided to run again as a candidate with the combination of Stratos Charchalakis. He has represented the Municipality at tourism exhibitions in Greece and abroad.

Petala Francesca


He was born in Athens in 1982. He is a graduate of the School of Tourism Professions IEK – OTEK Anavyssos Attica. He worked in the tourism sector while today he works in Kythira where he lives permanently. She is married to Romylos Fachea and the mother of one child. He speaks English.

Prinea Vasiliki


She was born in 1960 in Fratsia of Kythira and completed her general studies on the island (Kythira High School). He worked in the private sector for 15 years. In the 2010 Prefectural Elections, she was a candidate for Piraeus prefectural councilor. She is married to Giorgos Tsakos, President of the Karavas Community and lives in Karavas. Her current occupation is housework and in her spare time she is engaged in reading & wood carving.

Maroulidou Sumela


He was born in 1966 in Athens. She is married & mother of two children. He graduated from the TEI of accounting in 1983. From 1985 to 1999 he worked in an accounting office of a large importing & trading company SA. In 1999, she moved with her family to Kythira, where she worked in a well-known accounting office until 2006. She opened her own sole proprietorship on her premises, which she maintains to this day in Karvounades. Founding member of many Pontic associations & dance teacher of traditional dances by origin, lover of tradition, member for seven years of the band of Dora Stratou. He speaks English. Since 2014 she has been a Municipal Councilor of Kythera with the majority faction, President of the Secondary Education School Committee and Managing Director of the Development Company of the Municipality.

Protopsaltis Vrettos


He was born in 1972 in Piraeus. He finished Primary School in Mitata, Middle School and High School in Kythira. He entered the Technical School of Electronic Device Technicians in Moschato. President of the Municipal Department of Mitata for the first two municipal terms in the Municipality of Kythira (1998-2006). Founding member and president for two terms in the Kythira Organic Growers Association. Founding Member and president of the “Kytheraic Initiative” and Municipal Councilor – Secretary of the Board. in the period 2010-2014. President for two terms in the Mitata Beautician Association “The Myrtia”. He is married to Anna Akritidou and has two children. He is also a volunteer firefighter since 2018 and a member of the Board of Directors of the Kythira General Hospital “Triphyllio”.

Lourantos Evangelos


He was born in 1994 in Holargos and grew up in Kythira. He completed his circular studies on the island and after passing the pan-Hellenic exams, he was admitted to the Department of Business Administration of the ATEI of Crete, where he is currently a final student (on a bachelor’s degree). He has worked in the private sector, in the Cave of Agia Sophia Mylopotamos as well as in the Municipal Port Fund of Kythira. He speaks English. He comes from a self-governing family, as his father Dimitrios Evags. Lourantos (+ 2017) was for a number of years a member of the local government: Prefectural Councilor and Vice-President of the Prefectural Council of Piraeus as well as a candidate for Mayor of Kythira in 2014 and head of a faction in the Municipal Council.

Komnenos Sunday


He was born in 1972 in Piraeus. He finished Primary School in Mitata, Middle School and High School in Kythira. He entered the Technical School of Electronic Device Technicians in Moschato. President of the Municipal Department of Mitata for the first two municipal terms in the Municipality of Kythira (1998-2006). Founding member and president for two terms in the Kythira Organic Growers Association. Founding Member and president of the “Kytheraic Initiative” and Municipal Councilor – Secretary of the Board. in the period 2010-2014. President for two terms in the Mitata Beautician Association “The Myrtia”. He is married to Anna Akritidou and has two children. He is also a volunteer firefighter since 2018 and a member of the Board of Directors of the Kythira General Hospital “Triphyllio”.

Kalligeros Dimitrios


He was born in 1985 in Athens, grew up and lives permanently in Kythira. He finished the General High School of Kythira and was involved in music from an early age. He is a master of Byzantine Music, holder of a Degree from the Apollonian Conservatory of Athens, taught by the distinguished Protopsaltis and Professor Ilias Bilalis. He has been an active member of the Chora – Kapsali Commercial Association as well as a member of the Kapsali Landscaping Association, while from 2010 until today he is President of the Kythira Community, having been elected to this position in the Municipal Elections of 2010 and 2014. He maintains a family business in the field of retail trade in Chora that has been operating since 1986, while in 2012 it expanded its activities to Kapsali. He is married to Aggeliki Grigoraki and they have a son, Giannis.

Glitsos Minas


He was born in Kythira in 1964 and grew up in Australia, from where he returned in 1972 and settled in Athens where he finished high school in 1984. He is a professional motorist, owner of TAXI as well as a car body repairer. He is married with two children and lives in Dokana.

Anestis Spyridon


He was born in 1965 in Pelasgia Fthiotidos where he lived until he was 17. He then settled in Athens where he graduated from the 1st High School of Chalandriou. He continued his studies in the Department of Electrical Engineering of TEI Piraeus while after his graduation he worked in large technical companies and a well-known factory in Athens. In 1997, his love for Kythira led him to settle permanently on the island and since then he has been active in beekeeping, olive growing and tourism. He has been a member of the Agricultural Beekeeping Cooperative of Kythira since the beginning of its establishment in Kythira and has been its secretary for two terms, while for the last seven years he has been acting as president. He is married to teacher Fotini Samiou and they have two sons, 20 and 24 years old.

Vardas Ioannis


He was born in Kythira in 1953. He studied engineering and electronics. He was appointed to the education department of PPC in the department of organizing and conducting seminars, as a trainer and lecturer for 35 years. He was also selected and participated in training seminars for prospective instructors. During his service he fought for the establishment and organization of the supply cooperative of PPC and the physical education department, in which he served as vice president. In 2006, he participated in the municipal elections of the Municipality of Alimos with the combination “Alimos here we live” and was appointed a member and vice-president of the Thucydides Cultural and Sports Organization of the Municipality of Alimos. Since 1987, he has been participating in the cultural and beautifying association of the Kytheria region of Alimos “Myrtidiotissa”, of which he was president from 1998 to 2014. For 39 years he has been actively involved in organizations and associations. He participated in the Board of Directors of the Triphyllion Foundation and is a member of the Kytheraian Associations. He continues to fight for the preservation of the parish’s ties with our islands.

Zantioti Nicoletta


He was born in 1974 in Ag. Pelagia Kythera. High school graduate, married with 3 children. Owner of a tourist business specializing in rooms for rent and at the same time an employee in the private sector. At the same time she deals with raising her children. Knows English & computer use. In her spare time, she does gymnastics & collecting old photos.

Veneri – Irini Travasaros


He was born in 1964 in Brisbane, Australia. She is married to Andreas Travassaros and they have two children: Giorgos and Yiannis, both graduates of ATEI. He graduated from the School of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Technology Brisbane (Q.I.T) and specializes in industrial food control. Since 1985 she lives on the island of Kythira and works as a farmer. She is an organic farmer, Vice-President for several years of the Union of Organic Farmers of Kythira. He is also an amateur photographer, spreading the beauty of Kythira to the whole world. From 1999 to 2006 he was a Municipal Councilor of the Municipality of Kythira and president of one of the three largest communities of Kythira, Livadi. Actively participates in the Dance of Agia Pelagia. From 2014 until today, she is a Municipal Councilor of Kythira with the majority faction and has represented the Municipality and our island at tourism exhibitions in Greece and abroad, while she has been in charge of the Municipality’s communication with the Australian diaspora.

Katsanevakis Ioannis

Deputy Mayor

He was born in Athens in 1973 and grew up in Antikythera. He is married to Maria Paraskevaidou, Branch Manager of Piraeus Kythera Bank and they have two children. Until 2007, he lived permanently in Antikythera, where as a freelancer, he dealt with everyday life and solving the problems of the unspoiled island. From a young age he was involved in the commons of his island. He was a Community Councilor of Antikythera for 12 years. From 2014 until today he is a Municipal Councilor of Kythira with the majority faction and has developed a remarkable activity in the field of volunteerism and civil protection, while he is a certified volunteer firefighter. He was the President of the Municipal Council in 2015, President of the NPDD of the Municipality, while since February 2019 he is Deputy Mayor in matters of everyday life and civil protection.

Kasimati Maria


He was born in 1979 in the Kythira River. He graduated from Kythira High School in 1997, remained on the island and was active in the tourism sector. Since 2002 she has been the owner of a Hotel in Agia Pelagia. He is an active member of the Agia Pelagia Beautician Cultural Association until today, in which he served as Treasurer for two consecutive terms. In 2006, together with her colleagues, they founded the “Agia Pelagia Hotel and Tourist Accommodation Association”. Since 2007, he has represented the Union at Tourism Exhibitions and has fought personally and collectively on serious issues related to Tourism. Since 2014, she has been a Municipal Councilor of Kythira with the majority faction, President of the Primary Education School Committee and Vice-President of the Municipal Committee for Tourism Development and Promotion, having represented the Municipality at many international tourism exhibitions in Greece and abroad.

Zantiotis Panagiotis

Deputy Mayor

He was born in 1946 in Karavas of Kythira, where he finished Primary School and then attended and completed his general studies at the Gymnasium of Kythira. From 1964 to 2000 he maintained trading operations in Australia. In 2000 he returned permanently to Greece and since then he lives in Ag. Pelagia. He was a member of the Beautician-Cultural Association of Agia Pelagia as well as an elected member of the Council of the Potamos Municipal District for four years. In 2009 he was a member of the committee for the rational development of Kythira, while he is actively involved in the Potamos Agricultural Cooperative. In 2014 he was elected Municipal Councilor with the faction of Stratos Charchalakis and from then until today he is the President of the Municipal Port Fund of Kythira, while from 2017 until now he holds the position of Deputy Mayor, with responsibilities on technical issues and municipal projects. He speaks English.